Building the Next-Gen IT ITeS Infra in the Cloud
- Published on - Jan 09, 2022
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Businesses and enterprises are moving towards a cloud-first economy. The pandemic has accelerated this technological transformation pushing the world towards a connected digital ecosystem. Not just the evolution of core technologies, but the adoption of the cloud enabled a seamless transformation while meeting the new-age demands and expectations.
Today, majority of the workforce is working from home. This has been one of the vital expediating factors to dive in and leverage capabilities of the cloud. Earlier employees in the IT industry accessed data by logging into the client servers, right within their office. With the shift in their workspace, switching to cloud has proved to be effective as they can access applications and data from anywhere. However, two crucial parameters have to be ensured while building your IT infrastructure on cloud
Seamless Data Availability
Enterprises need to build specific capabilities while they intend to thrive in a cloud-first ecosystem. The ripple of this transformation will be felt across the organisation. Hence, cultivating a good organisational culture is a prerequisite to streamline systems, processes and people.
Building next-gen infrastructure is welcomed through the chaos. Seamless and organised data availability is half the job done. Ensuring work and process collaboration is the other half of the success mantra. Smart, collaborative measures begin with smart document management. Having a reliable document management system enable fruitful collaborations without disrupting the workflow during an organisational overhaul.
Taking it a step ahead, data availability at the right place and the right time improves employee productivity reflecting in optimisation of customer experiences. Imagine an intelligent cloud based solution offering a consolidated and comprehensive platform to streamline your work processes. Our Smartflo solutions suite takes care of everything. From automated contact centre modules to integrated marketing, multi-level IVR, missed call and click2call services – the platform enables process scaling, ensuring efficient workflow.
Once processes are streamlined, deployment and distribution of content help in the growth of the revenue stream. A cost-effective Content Delivery Network leveraging cloud capabilities take the pain off your shoulder, enabling a variety of content distribution across several access points
Once work processes and information are flowing across all the desired directions, an integrated cloud CRM is a unified, consistent mode of driving sales and managing customers. A simple to use cloud-based application that looks after pre-sales, sales and post-sales supporting customers at every step in their journey creates a brand identity relevant to the market scenario.
Robust Endpoint Security
Once your data is doing rounds and reaching the right points at the right time, the next important thing to consider is to keep a close watch on the security. Every day millions of sensitive and confidential data are exchanged in cyberspace. Small data leakage may lead to a massive loss. Thus, the situation demands robust cybersecurity solutions.
Ensuring endpoint security is a must as wrongful data access, or data leakage can severely impact a business. Remote workers use their personal devices to access crucial company data. Installing anti virus, email filtering, web filtering and firewall services shields data from malware attacks and misuse. This 2 This document is under copyright of Tata Teleservices Limited (TTL). The information contained in this document is strictly confidential and is meant only for the recipient. This document shall remain the property of TTL and must not be disclosed in writing, via email in part or full without explicit prior written permission from TTL Corporate. endpoint security also protects data from repeat infections that may harm business reputation. Most businesses are online now, and robust cybersecurity solutions augment business processes from the risk of data compromise. From the point of initiation to the end, all the devices in the network must be encapsulated with a tough impenetrable security layer.
Final Words
The future of work would definitely have cloud at its centre. Since cloud technology comes with a systemised infrastructure with already ingrained application layers, traditional IT departments need to evolve and innovate instead of developing from scratch. The core objective of IT and ITES is to transform with the ongoing change. Integrating cloud in various gaps and leveraging it for processes that require a leg up would help in a successful business take-off in the next normal.