Leased Line (P2P) - A Comprehensive Guide
- Published on - Apr 12, 2022
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If your business operates on more than one site, then the requirement for transferring data reliably between the site arises a lot. There are situations where the business also does not want to be connected to the internet via their line or may wish to connect to a private line. Technology is changing at a fast pace now, and there have been huge changes in networking and connectivity. With the popularity of cloud-based systems, video interviews, cloud services, and data functions, companies are heavily dependent on an Internet connection.
Even though businesses upgraded to broadband years back, the speeds are never guaranteed and reliable. If you use home broadband, you can easily notice the dreaded loading and buffering signals. However, it is now time to move on to the next best thing.
What is a point-to-point network?
A leased line point-to-point network is a fibre cable that provides reliable internet access with guaranteed speeds. A dedicated fibre optic leased line comes with a ton of benefits, which is why a lot of businesses are switching to this option. Some of the benefits a company will get with a leased line are as follows:
- Symmetrical upload and download speeds: One of the significant benefits of a point-to-point leased line is that it offers symmetrical upload and download speeds. This means that the data can be both sent and received quickly. With this speed, businesses can easily transfer large files without any delays or lags, which can otherwise lead to a poor customer service experience.
- Service Level Agreement or SLA: A leased line point-to-point network also comes with a Service Level Agreement or SLA. This ensures that the service provider will deliver the agreed-upon services and maintain them in accordance with the contract. This is very important as it guarantees uptime and reliability to businesses dependent on their internet connection. Typically, a standard SLA should be above 99.5%. If there is an outage, the service provider will compensate you for lost time and provide a solution to rectify it.
- 24/7 network monitoring by the provider: A point-to-point leased line comes with round-the-clock network monitoring by the provider. This means that any outages or disruptions can be quickly identified and fixed before they affect your business operations. Furthermore, smart line P2P providers also provide proactive maintenance and monitoring to ensure optimal connection performance.
Overall, a point-to-point leased line is ideal for businesses needing reliable and fast internet connectivity. It offers symmetrical upload and download speeds, service level agreements (SLAs) for reliability, and 24/7 network monitoring to ensure optimum performance levels. - Free Installs that you can get on a standard 3-year term: If you thought smart line P2P was only for businesses with deep pockets, think again. With a standard 3-year term, you can get free installs on smart line point-to-point leased line connectivity. This means that the installation and setup cost is already included, so you don’t have to worry about paying extra just to get your smart line up and running. Plus, when combined with other smart line services such as voice over IP (VoIP) or video conferencing, getting up and running quickly and efficiently will be no problem.
What is a point-to-point link, and how does it work?
A point-to-point link provides a dedicated link between any two devices like a computer. It is completely different from a broadcast system that connects multiple devices at once. When we talk about a point-to-point link, we also talk about point-to-point connection in computer networks, fibre ethernet, and ethernet leased lines. In a line configuration in a computer network, a managed leased line will provide symmetrical upload and download speeds, guaranteed uptime, fixed targets, industry-leading SLA, and 24/7 support from the provider.
A leased line point-to-point link is almost similar to fibre-optic broadband as they are both made out of fibre cables. Therefore, you can send packets of data through this line at an astonishing speed. The equipment at both ends of the line can read the data in a digital language, and the data is detected through light signals. The fibre optic cable is the fastest possible way of sending data to all businesses across the country.
However, the provider is of utmost importance when it comes to leased lines point-to-point networks. The symmetrical data connectivity is often used as private networks, and the use of ethernet instead of traditional broadband can also create a long-lasting impression. In addition to that, a business also receives additional benefits like faster fix times and better reliability.
Difference Between a Leased Line P2P Connection and a Broadband
It is essential to know how broadband and a leased line work before moving down to the key differences. Leased line service is quite different from the line that connects only the data centres. Here, we are talking about the managed leased line point-to-point link that is used for internet access as copper broadband is dying out.
A fibre leased line point-to-point communication can provide a full-fibre service from start to finish. Therefore, a private internet connection using this service always promises symmetrical upload and download speeds along with zero reduction in reliability at peak times like broadband.
Coming to a broadband connection, it is not a full-fibre service like optical cables. Broadband uses copper lines that can't transfer data as fast as a fibre optic; therefore, the consistency in speeds is not maintained. However, you can get a burst of bandwidth from broadband. The main focus of any business is the price, yet there are vast differences between the two that a business should know before opting for one.
Speed is one of the many differences between a leased line point-to-point network, and it is one of the biggest differentiators. Traditional copper broadband can only reach up to 20 Mb, and recent developments in broadbands can get you a speed up to 300 Mb. However, a leased line point-to-point link can get you dedicated symmetrical speed up to 10 GB easily while the bandwidth will remain the same.
Although leased lines can be pretty expensive, businesses come to know their value after using them. Broadband is considerably cheaper than leased lines; however, most people forget to factor in the reliability. A business runs on reliability, and having consistent high speeds is a necessity for a business to operate. Broadbands often fall short in this area as the speeds fluctuate throughout the day because of the contention
Contention Ratio
Contention Ratio refers to the number of people that use the technology. A broadband connection is easily shared by 50 or more users; however, leased lines P2P connection can only be used by less than 30 people. Leased lines are dedicated to you without providing attention to a large number of people.
Fix Times
With leased lines, your connection never goes down. Even if it does, a business can rely on a leased line to get fixed within a reasonable time. The same thing is not applicable in the case of a broadband connection, as the line could be down for weeks or months.
Service Level Agreement or SLA
Dedicated leased lines point-to-point connection comes with an SLA standard that guarantees the uptime of the line. If the SLA standard falls below a certain percentage, you can start earning your money back from the next bill. This is a service that is not available in any broadband connection.
Static IP Addresses
With broadband services, users can get a dynamic IP address that changes frequently. A static IP address makes it easier for customers to connect to the business, and it also helps in simplifying technical functions. Therefore, broadband connections are often a deal-breaker for many.
Install or Lead Time
Installation time is critical for any business as short timings are a boon. Broadband installations are faster and can be done within five business days at the maximum. However, dedicated leased lines P2P connection requires a site survey, and installation can take around 45-60 days, depending on the provider.
Types of Leased Lines
You can hear about a few point-to-point network examples as it is the most reliable connection to provide you with an internet service with symmetrical bandwidth.
Point-to-Point (P2P) Leased Line
A Point to Point leased line is a smart line of dedicated fibre optic cable which connects the customer’s premises directly to the telco’s central office. It offers reliable, high speed and secure connectivity for data, voice and video services with guaranteed bandwidth availability. The leased line connection is completely private, meaning it can never be shared with other customers. This type of leased line provides an ideal solution for businesses seeking a reliable and dedicated internet connection that doesn't suffer from traffic congestion or contention issues that are typical in shared broadband connections.
Wires-Only Leased Lines
These are the only physical lines that you can easily manage and maintain yourself. However, without proper knowledge of networking and telecom, it is not recommended at all.This type of leased line requires equipment and configuration at the customer site. It is usually used to connect two sites directly with no options for any kind of smart network or traffic control.
EFM Line
EFM stands for Ethernet First Mile; however, it is often mistaken for a full-fibre leased line. Although it is getting phased out, it is helpful for businesses that cannot have an optical fibre connection. EFM Line has the same symmetric connection but gives a lower speed than a full-fibre leased line. It is still faster than the conventional ADSL broadband and cheaper too, but it cannot provide the same speed that a full-fibre can.
FTTP stands for Fibre to the premises or Fibre to the home. It can go directly from your exchange point to your premise; however, it is a shared service and does not guarantee the same speed as a leased line.
Topology in Point to Point Network
Which topology features a point-to-point line configuration? A P2P connection often uses different types of topology to connect two internet nodes. This connection is made via the internet, where the nodes will transfer the data to each other through a complete optical fibre line. You can take the small-scale example of two PCs connecting via modems where the PC communicates with the printer. A point-to-point network is similar as it transfers the data from one point to another.
Some of the examples of various network topologies are as follows:
- Bus Topology
- Star Topology
- Ring Topology
- Hybrid Topology
Advantages of Leased Point to Point Connection
The advantages of a leased point-to-point network are vast, and it is advantageous to anyone who adopts it.
Increased Security
A point-to-point link line is also called a private line. The reason for it is obvious - it is absolutely private and you can get a leased line to not touch the provider's network as well. However, it is essential to have the right infrastructure along with IT and networking experts to closely monitor the network all the time. Although the work involved is huge, a leased point-to-point communication is only for companies to use, and there is no involvement of public traffic. Therefore, it reduces the risk of any malicious attacks on the software.
Symmetrical Bandwidth
If you get a standard broadband connection, you will notice different upload and download speeds. This means that the bandwidth is not symmetrical and can hamper your work. A leased point-to-point network guarantees an even bandwidth that is perfect for all business applications like data transfers and document uploads. With smart line point-to-point leased line connectivity, you can be sure of an even upload and download speed that makes your work more efficient.
Cost Savings
Leased point to point networks are ideal for businesses that rely on secure transmission of data. By investing in smart line p2p connections, businesses can save costs associated with data sharing as it requires less infrastructure and maintenance than regular broadband connections. Furthermore, since the bandwidth is stable and symmetrical, you don’t have to worry about fluctuating network speeds or buffering issues while transferring large files.
Reliability and Security
The biggest advantage of choosing a smart line point-to-point leased line connection over regular broadband is its reliability and security.
Faster Data Transfers
Leased line point-to-point connection is delivered over fibre optic cables; therefore, a company can get faster Data transfers along with symmetrical bandwidth that will reduce the buffering signal. Due to point-to-point leased line, video conferencing and VoIP has become easier and faster. That’s why smart line point-to-point leased line connectivity is preferred for companies who need better and consistent bandwidth for video conferencing or VoIP services.
Ultra-Low Latency
Leased line p2p connection minimises the delay during communication via the line. Uncontented lines allow real-time access to rapidly changing technology and data to allow you to update your company on the right information at lightning speed. Smart line p2p connection provides smart routing capabilities that identify and forward data packets faster than ever, ensuring low latency and high speeds.
Reliable Data Backup
With all the advantages a leased point-to-point network provides, all of it together creates the perfect network for a fast and reliable data backup through which you can access multiple sites at the same time. Smart Line P2P ensures that the data remains secured and safe in the cloud which allows for faster transfer speeds without any interruption. The smart line leased point-to-point connection also provides for a secure connection that is hard to breach, protecting your data from any security threats.
With smart line p2p, you will never have to worry about data loss or hackers accessing your private information. With this technology, you can store all of your important data safely with no fear about its safety or stability. This makes it perfect for businesses needing reliable access to their critical data backup files at all times.
Disadvantages of Leased Point to Point Connection
Given that leased lines are only designed for two sites, it is difficult to add more sites to the point-to-point link. It is possible to add more sites; however, if you wish to add more sites, it can be costly and arduous. A WAN solution is preferable for more than one site.
Limited Visibility
Point to point communication uses a topology that does not touch your provider's network. Therefore, your network provider will have no visibility about your problems, and you will have to fix and monitor the line if it goes down for any reason.
Adding Other Services
As the point-to-point connection does not touch your ISP's network, there is a lot of struggle in adding popular services like SIP phones and the internet.
Not Always Point to Point
Sometimes things do not go according to plan as point A may connect to point C and D before it gets to point B. The other sites may also be invisible to you, and you will be invisible to them as well.
The privacy of a point-to-point network is why they are so popular. Although companies have various alternatives like WAN network providers, investment banks, and data centre providers, they prefer leased lines as the other options require a whole team of network experts and monitoring tools to oversee the circuit. Leased line p2p connection requires extra resources and skill level; your business definitely needs one to smoothen the entire process.