The Role of MPLS VPN in Improving Business Performance

  • Published on - Jan 09, 2022
  • 3 mins read
What is MPLS VPN?

MPLS VPN acts like a private network which is designed to provide security while transmitting the data between business locations. The amalgamation of cloud services and MPLS VPNs creates a "virtual private cloud". MPLS VPNs are carried over a single carrier's network to provide enhanced security as compared to the public Internet.

What is the Difference between MPLS VPN and VPN?

Traditional VPNs function on the assumption that data is transferred over public networks, which makes it indispensable to encrypt confidential data, while MPLS VPN uses a remote private network – virtually isolated from the public Internet. It ensures that information gets transferred more securely between two locations.

How Does Managed MPLS VPN Help in Improving Business Performance

Managed MPLS VPN is a viable solution when a user is looking for high performance, simple deployment and maintenance. Some of the advantages of the MPLS VPN solution in improving business performance and productivity are as follows:

Enhances performance and traffic control

MPLS VPN can be a key factor in improving business performance for cloud applications as it helps firms in prioritising specific types of traffic which are called ‘Class of Service’ (CoS). By leveraging CoS, corporations can prioritise the traffic flow to prevent an engineer performing a huge file transfer which might disturb or cause problems a during CEO’s conference call.

Offers Reliability and Security

MPLS VPNs are performed over a single carrier’s network, which ensures reliability as the traffic is not prone to the challenges faced by the public network. It also adds another layer of security which is not offered by IPS.

Reduced Bandwidth

MPLS VPN ensures that each website connects to other sites on the network through a single connection to the MPLS network. This has a profound impact on the amount of bandwidth required by the customer.

Provides Flexibility

It is far easier to add capacity to an MPLS VPN than via traditional carrier services. The venture of cloud services and MPLS VPNs extend the premise-based network and services and result in the formation of a “virtual private cloud.”

Tata Tele Business Services

MPLS-based VPN from Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS) delivers pan-India connectivity across 100+ points of strategic presence. We help in optimising businesses with a fully meshed network to ensure fail-safe connectivity. With our mobile and managed solutions, authorised personnel may connect to business networks from anywhere, including remote locations. TTBS provides both wireline and wireless solutions. Under wireline, we have Standard and Managed MPLS. Wireless solutions include Xpress VPN and Road Warrior. Our MPLS VPN now comes with Secure Connect – a bridge that offers a private and dedicated connection to leading cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Secure Connect is a value add-on to the existing MPLS VPN service offering that offers connectivity to the cloud. Through Secure Connect, you get secure enterprise-grade network connectivity to the public cloud infrastructure that is SLA-backed and predictable.

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