A Young Comic Media Company Chooses TTBS Smartflo to Connect with its Customers and Stakeholders via Cloud


An Indian character-based entertainment company has a library of different characters that it presents in comic books, animation apps, games, movies and web or TV series.

The company built a comic universe featuring several characters to help businesses improve their digital marketing abilities. The core of this comic universe involves a character who launches and runs the nationwide “Your Dream Super Hero” contest. Besides focusing on television series, short films, web series and literature, the company plans to launch a set of entertaining Augmented Reality-Virtual Reality (AR-VR) games with its characters.

The company needed its own contact centre architecture to communicate more systematically with its customers through inbound and outbound calls. To manage communication from any location, it preferred Cloud-based telephony and chose Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS) Smartflo.

Business Challenges

As a company liaising with different entities to design, refine, market and sell its creative products, the company received calls from various sources. Some common inquiries pertained to franchise openings and characters’ licenses, while others came from animation and production partners, merchandise manufacturing partners and freelancers.

The company needed a Cloud-native voice communication platform to effectively manage the constant flow of inbound calls and an organised lead generation campaign with telemarketing calls. While subscribing to such Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS), it needed certain features that would make the software more useful than legacy call centre architecture:

  • The telephony application had to allow associates to work from any location using any device without compromising the security and privacy of communication.
  • Irrespective of the team members’ work location, supervisors required a facility to monitor and record their calls for quality analysis and feedback.
  • The company also needed to maintain a track record of all the calls received by different departments/subject matter experts – this was necessary to understand the type of queries the company was receiving and the direction of operations of the company.

The application had to be easy to use as there was no time to train the associates for a complex VoIP system. It is also required a high uptime for robust business continuity

TTBS Solution

Our solution architects studied the company’s requirements and as per the average daily call volume handled by the team, they configured TTBS’ enterprisegrade Cloud communication suite Smartflo with 40 channels. Smartflo helped the company overcome the limitations of on-site call centre systems and offered the flexibility to scale the service in line with business growth.

We customised the application’s built-in Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to direct the inbound calls to different departments based on customer choices. Smartflo had a sticky agent feature that could direct a repeat call – for 10 days - to the same agent who had handled the interaction earlier. With this feature, the caller doesn’t have to explain the question repeatedly and could get it resolved faster.

Smartflo was integrated for outbound calls with the company’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to ease click-to-call. It also has an automated dialler to run managed campaigns for connecting with a large number of leads. By choosing Smartflo as its VoIP software, the comic-based entertainment company also benefited from other features they were looking for:

  • Its employees could work from anywhere as the software functioned smoothly on all desktop and mobile devices run by Windows, iOS and Android.
  • Smartflo connections are password protected and have multifactor authentication (MFA) to ensure that only authorised personnel use the service.
  • All communications on the platform are end-to-end encrypted, and the service has multiple security layers against cyber threats.
  • As a web-based platform, Smartflo allowed supervisors to access an ongoing call from their account and record the conversation for feedback and training.
  • Smartflo’s call log dashboard records all received, missed and dialled calls. This also enabled the company to view the IVR selections callers made frequently and revert on calls missed during peak or non-business hours.

With its intuitive graphical user interface, Smartflo was easy to use without formal training.

TTBS provided the solution with a guaranteed uptime of 99.5% under a ServiceLevel Agreement (SLA), and we also continue to provide constant customer support for any technical questions/concerns.

Smartflo provides contact centre teams with the flexibility, technology and tools they need to transform customer experience while working remotely, on-site or on a hybrid model. TTBS Smartflo gives the customer all the elements they needed to empower their workforce for better customer service and helped them optimise their operations further with its insightful analytics.


  • Cost-savings on physical infrastructure and availability of all features to manage calls from a screen
  • Better quality in contact centre operations with call monitoring and timely feedback to the concerned associates
  • More productive operations with IVR-routed calls routed by subject matter experts
  • Resilient business continuity supported with software security and SLA-backed uptim
  • Faster lead generation with dialler-based calling and click-to-call service

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