NGO Provides Round-the-Clock Helpline Support for Elders by Leveraging Smartflo Cloud Communication Suite


The customer offers elders an enriching set of opportunities to lead a more dignified and fulfilling life. Their membership service ensures that elderly members are provided with monthly magazines, daily activities and regular updates on events. One of their major services includes a helpline facility accessible to caller’s Pan-India for support and assistance.

Business Challenges

The customer required a solution that enabled receiving and making calls from anywhere in India and at any time.

With offices in five different locations across the country, each site needed access to the solution infrastructure.

An essential requirement was the need to track and manage the call flow at each of these locations.

They requested a modern, scalable, cost-effective solution to be implemented with minimum disturbance to everyday activities.

TTBS Solution

  • TTBS Smartflo enabled a Single Hosted SIP board number for both incoming and outgoing calls.
  • The customer’s existing Toll-free number was integrated with the pilot number for incoming calls.
  • Through a customised admin portal, the customer could track and manage call flow in each of their five locations.
  • The solution provided the Sticky Agent feature that routes customers to agents they already share a rapport with or agents well-versed with their transaction history for quick query resolution
  • The solution was easily scalable and could be modified to meet the customer’s future requirements.


  • Smartflo: Future-ready infrastructure
  • Single number setup for incoming and outgoing calls
  • Boosted client satisfaction with 24/7 helpline support
  • Cost-effective solution fulfilling all requirements
  • Easy management and tracking of all calls

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