SaaS-Driven e-Waste Management Company Improves Brand Recall and Workflow With Simplified Toll-Free Solution
The customer’s SaaS-based offering is an end-to-end B2B web and app auction platform providing a comprehensive solution to e-waste recyclers, refurbishers, producers, generators, OEM sand more. Their clients include large global corporations who seek to reduce their entity’s carbon foot print, achieve CSR goals and fulfil EPR requirements.
Business Challenge
The customer’s unique service offering required a bespoke telecom infrastructure based on a single contact point for all client enquiries.
The solution warranted 24x7 accessibility and equipped with easy routing options to handle multiple enquiries.
Furthermore, all incoming client calls needed monitoring and tracking abilities to ensure accountability.
Finally, it was pivotal for the customer service contact number to be simple for easy recollection.
TTBS Solution
TTBS carefully analysed the customer’s requirements and came up with the following solution:
- TTBS commissioned a single, unique help line number to provide clients access to operator span-India with Flexi Toll Service.
- Toll-free calls with a user-friendly web interface allowed management of services such as call routing based on geography, time and date, load balancing, secure routing via PIN, white list and black list information.
- TTBS implemented call history and account-based tracking for seamless management and quality control.
- Toll Free Services: improved communication and customer retention
- Improved call-answer rate and service delivery via call analysis reports
- Interactive web interface enabled real time management and monitoring of call history and other information
- Increased customer satisfaction by ensuring business accessibility

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