Make The Most of MPLS VPN and Smartnet Solutions

The ever-growing need for businesses to secure, connect and manage their networks across geographically dispersed locations is where MPLS VPN Solution comes in. An MPLS VPN Solution is a private Wide Area Network (WAN) that provides secure access to and between multiple sites, regardless of their distance from each other. Tata Tele Business Services provides a secure, reliable and robust MPLS VPN solution that helps customers connect the remote sites of their business networks over any access medium such as Optical Fiber or E1. This enables customers to access centrally hosted applications, services and intranet from any location with ease.

Benefits of Choosing Tata Tele’s MPLS VPN Solutions

Multiprotocol label-switching technique-enabled smart VPN solutions

Secure and direct access to the cloud deployment of a business

Globally accessible cloud-based VPN solutions for enhancing network performance

Improved flexibility and usability of customizable VPN solutions

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An MPLS VPN solution uses multiprotocol label-switching techniques to offer services. It is a combination of various MPLS-based VPN technologies that supports the use of different technologies and protocols for maintaining communication in a VPN environment. An MPLS solution is a great investment for businesses that use custom apps and software to regulate their operations.

A cloud-based VPN solution enables the VPN network of an organization to leverage cloud features similar to cloud-hosted resources and applications. Some major benefits of a cloud VPN solution are as follows:

  • Direct cloud access: A cloud VPN solution offers secure and direct access to the cloud deployment of a business.
  • Scalability: A cloud-based virtual private network solution ensures that businesses can increase or decrease VPN users and bandwidth according to requirements.
  • Global access: Cloud-hosted VPNs are globally accessible, which also improves the performance of a network.
  • Mobile support: With mobile support from cloud VPNs, remote workers are able to enjoy better usage.
  • Flexibility: Since a cloud VPN is managed by a cloud service provider, users are able to enjoy increased flexibility and usability.
If you are looking for smart VPN solutions, Tata Tele Business Services is your best option. Our smart net solutions come with improved VPN security, multiple connectivity options, real-time performance reporting, and more. Our smart VPN technology ensures that you can optimize your workflow seamlessly and stay ahead of your competitors.
OpenVPN solutions usually come with SSL encryption. It helps secure the connection between the web server and the web browser. The credentials entered on the web interface cannot be intercepted by intermediaries or viewed as plain text on the online network solution.
Networking solution services are extremely beneficial for bringing down the cost of IT infrastructure, software, and hardware. Companies are also able to reduce maintenance, operational, and service costs. Moreover, IT costs also become more controlled and predictable with smart networking solutions.
MPLS VPN tunnel traffic moves across customer sites by leveraging a private network as a transit network. The CE routers forward traffic to the PE routers through standard IP forwarding. The PE routers build up an LSP via the provider network. As the inbound PE router gains traffic, it performs a route lookup. As the lookup yields an LSP next hop, the traffic gets forwarded along the LSP. Finally, the traffic reaches the PE router, and it pops the MPLS label to forward the traffic via standard IP routing.
A major reason why people use a VPN solution is that it can protect and preserve a person’s anonymity. VPN enables users to browse the internet from different location servers. It ensures that all the traffic gets directed to and from one particular server. As a result, the host site remains unaware of your identity. Since no one can trace your personal details, you will be able to stay safe from targeted cyberattacks. A VPN solution will protect your identity even on a malicious site.
MPLS VPNs operate over an individual carrier’s network and not the public internet. Since the traffic won’t face oddities from the public internet, it will be more reliable. An MPLS VPN network also offers an added level of security compared to IPSec VPNs.
Public WiFi is easily available and free of cost most of the time. However, they also come with different security threats like malware attacks and data breaches. VPN software solutions ensure that you have a safe and secure tunnel for your online activities while using public WiFi. You will also be able to mask your identity while using public WiFi.
VPN solutions for small businesses are quite affordable despite the low IT budget. VPNs don’t need a supportive tool or physical infrastructure for operations. You only need to subscribe to a VPN solution to be able to use its services. Even if you are planning to host a VPN server by yourself, setting it up and maintaining it will be easy and cost-effective.
An MPLS VPN solution offers a single connection through which every site on the network can be connected. Therefore, it considerably reduces the amount of bandwidth required by customers, particularly at cloud provider sites and headquarters.
VPN solutions for small businesses prevent data leakage while you are connected to public WiFi by blocking out intruders. Your data will be able to travel through an encrypted tunnel so that hackers are unable to intercept it.
OpenVPN solutions are used to protect and encrypt data over the internet. As a result, users are able to safely exchange confidential information without interference from third parties. Its customized protocols always use SSL/TLS for key exchange.

An MPLS VPN solution can be used to create the following:

  • Site-to-site VPN
  • Virtual private LAN
  • Layer 2 VPN
  • Layer 3 VPN

MPLS VPN enables all of these VPNs to operate, irrespective of the back-end technology used by them.

MPLS VPN is encrypted using IPSec. It includes a suite of protocols essential for a secure IP-based pathway for two or more endpoints.
MPLS VPNs are the best for VPN service providers and ISPs leveraging multiple networking technologies for offering VPN services. It ensures that MPLS VPN solutions can send IP packets on customer-end routers using a point-to-point connection.

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